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Follow these steps to add Twitch as a social sign-in provider to your project using the Ory CLI:

  1. Create a VK OAuth2 Application.

  2. In the created app, set the redirect URI to:

  3. Create a Jsonnet code snippet to map the desired claims to the Ory Identity schema.

    local claims = std.extVar('claims');
    identity: {
    traits: {
    // VK doesn't provide an 'email_verified field'.
    // Email might be empty if the user isn't allowed the 'email' scope.
    [if 'email' in claims then 'email' else null]:,

    VK returns an access_token but doesn't return an id_token. Ory sends requests to VK's API and adds the user info to std.extVar('claims').


Don't save secrets such as API keys, credentials, or personal data directly in Jsonnet code snippets. Jsonnet code snippets used for data mapping aren't stored in an encrypted format in Ory Network.

  1. Encode the Jsonnet snippet with Base64 or host it under an URL accessible to The Ory Network.

    cat your-data-mapping.jsonnet | base64
  2. Download the Ory Identities config from your project and save it to a file:

    ## List all available projects
    ory list projects

    ## Get config
    ory get identity-config {project-id} --format yaml > identity-config.yaml
  3. Add the social sign-in provider configuration to the downloaded config. Add the Jsonnet snippet with mappings as a Base64 string or provide an URL to the file.

    - id: vk # this is `<provider-id>` in the Authorization callback URL. DO NOT CHANGE IT ONCE SET!
    provider: vk
    client_id: .... # Replace this with the OAuth2 Client ID provided by VK app
    client_secret: .... # Replace this with the OAuth2 Client Secret provided by VK app
    mapper_url: "base64://{YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_JSONNET_HERE}"
    # Alternatively, use an URL:
    # mapper_url:
    - email # required for email and email_verified claims in the near future
    enabled: true
  4. Update the Ory Identities configuration using the file you worked with:

    ory update identity-config {project-id} --file identity-config.yaml